Wednesday, December 12, 2012



We don't want to be too critical; group classes are fun. But when you grow bored of your instructor, it's easy to get distracted. They might be having an off day or running out of motivation themselves, so just make sure their energy isn't affecting you. Here are some quick tips to stay motivated all hour long and ward off the day dreaming. Since you are there to work out, keep your eye on the prize and don't lose that excitement.
 Focus on the music: While your instructor's cues are important for staying on tempo, choose your own breaks to focus on the music for motivation. For instance, if your teacher is counting down the reps or repeating the same cue over and over again, take a break from listening to them and open your ears to the lyrics to pump yourself up.
Look at others: Your instructor should be demonstrating, but if they aren't, look at other strong students in class. Sometimes witnessing someone else's strength will make you step up your game and even correct yourself based on their excellent form. Take note of the advanced women around you and raise your bar a little.
Zone in: When boredom strikes, think about the reason you're there. It helps to concentrate on your trouble areas in class to remind yourself to keep them engaged. There are mirrors everywhere in the studio, so use them to your advantage. Choose one muscle group per class that you want to make a change with and challenge it throughout the entire class.
Set a date: Goals are fun. When you grow bored of your teacher and can't muster the energy to listen anymore, just think about an upcoming event you want to look good at. Having an end goal in mind will help you keep your head in the game and carry your workout to the best of your ability. Stay focused and stay engaged.
If you're truly bored, try a new class! Do you ever come across boring instructors
Share your motivation tips with us!

Original article: from Fitsugar

Friday, December 7, 2012


Technology has made our lives easier, especially when it comes to holding us accountable. If you feel like you need a little extra encouragement to help you stick to your weight-loss path this holiday, you'll want to make sure you've got these techy tools in your arsenal and at the ready on your smartphone.
Food journal apps: It's easy to dismiss half a cookie here and a handful of M&M's there, but those nibbles add up. The best way to be aware of just how many calories you're eating is to keep a log of everything you eat. Online food journals make it easy; not only do they keep track of everything in one simple place, but they also give you accurate calorie counts so you don't trick yourself into believing that you've eaten way less than you think. Try MyFitnessPal, an iPhone and Android app that synchs with other body-tracking products and has a large database, so uploading your meal is a breeze.

Fitness trackers: Take the guesswork out of how many calories you've burned on the treadmill or how many steps you've taken today. Fitness trackers like the Nike Fuel, FitBit, or Jawbone Up not only motivate you by showing you in real time how close you are to reaching a goal, but they also help make things more realistic. Most include a free smartphone app so you can check your daily progress as you go along.

Never-ending playlists: Even if you love to exercise, working out to lose weight can sometimes be a chore. Without much-needed distraction, your daily calorie burn can be cut short because you're too bored to slog on. Fill up your iPod with your favorite dance-to-the-beat songs or check out one of our Spotify workout playlists so you always have something to push you through workout boredom..

Original article from Fitsugar 

Sunday, December 2, 2012


The weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas can be tough for even the fittest folks. Cooler weather makes working out more difficult, and getting caught up in the hype of the holidays makes putting off a workout even easier. If you're ready to stick to your plan — and to not make getting fit your New Year's resolution for yet another year — then practice these tips.

It's Not a Cheat Month
Even though there's plenty of fun to be had, you've got to set limitations with yourself. Even though people crave comfort food during the Winter, you've got to continue to make healthy choices all December long. Plan ahead when you know you'll be indulging. And be sure to appropriately indulge so you don't end up binging on a big plate of Christmas cookies!
Register For a Race
When you know that you've got a race on the horizon, you've got to train — there's no other option. Gift yourself a race from, and create a training plan that you can stick to. After all those long runs, you'll feel so much better about those holiday treats.
Grab a Friend
When you're trying to focus on exercise and nutrition, that doesn't mean you have to skip out on seeing your friends. There are plenty of benefits to having a workout buddy, but it's especially helpful during a busy season. You'll be less likely to bail if it will mean letting down someone you love.

Pencil It In
If you want to make time for a workout, then you've got to put it in your schedule. Without making the commitment to yourself, it's far too easy to put it off in order to do something else. Add a reminder in your office email, jot it down in your planner — whatever you have to do to make it work.
Back Off That Booze
It's easy to get ahead of yourself at a holiday party. You're in the spirit of the season and knocking back a few drinks; you aren't necessarily paying attention to the amount of alcohol you've imbibed. In addition to keeping your mental clarity in check, cutting back on booze will help you feel less bloated and stick to your workouts.
If giving up all the alcohol isn't an option, then consider water-backing. After each alcoholic libation you consume, back it with an 8-ounce glass of good old H2O. Drinking booze dehydrates your system, and drinking water helps your body recuperate faster.

Practice Portion Control
Healthy portion control is always important, and something as simple as a plate can help or hinder a healthy eating plan. Instead of looking for the biggest plate at the event, choose a salad or a dessert plate. Studies have proven that using a smaller plate helps with weight loss. Even at a big event, start off with something lighter at the beginning, like soup or salad.

Grab a New DVD
With the colder, wet weather, it's difficult to leave the comfort of your warm home. If you find yourself staying in time and time again, add a new DVD to your workout repertoire. And choose something you'll actually use! 

Rest Up
Studies show that people who get adequate amounts of sleep weigh less (and eat less) than those who are sleep-deprived, so make sure you get at least seven hours a night — especially when you're tired. Listening to your body is key in preventing sickness. There's nothing worse than having to cancel fun holiday plans because you've been running on empty for too long.
Original article: from Fitsugar

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Morning workouts may be better in many respects, but evening workouts could be just as good. Sometimes energy in the afternoons and evenings are lower and to make sure you check your workout off your to-do list for the day, here are ways to keep energy up in the evening.

Well-timed snack: Lunch is a distant memory by the time you're ready for after-work exercise, so snacks are in order if you want to have the energy you need for a good workout. But eating too much right before a workout can be your downfall as well. The solution? A well-timed, well-balanced snack of carbs and protein to help power through a workout; go for easily digestible carbs — like saltine crackers or raisins — if you're grabbing something right before you head out. 
Water: Feeling sluggish? Dehydration could be the culprit. Make sure you stay amply hydrated all day — otherwise you could be met with fatigue at the start of your workout. If your exercise routine is intense, make sure you keep a water bottle handy to stay hydrated throughout your routine.
An extra kick: Coffee perks you up in the morning, and it can do the same before your workout. Studies have shown that drinking caffeine before a workout helps increase your stamina and energy throughout. If an evening cup of coffee spells disaster for your bedtime routine, try green tea instead.
Original article: from Fitsugar 

Sunday, November 11, 2012

A REST DAY Doesn't Have to Mean Doing Nothing

Yes, it's true — a rest day can be just as good for you as a workout (just make sure it doesn't turn into a rest week). But "resting" doesn't always have to mean lying on the couch. Stay active — and burn a few calories — on your rest day, with these two ways to stay active without overexerting yourself.
Opt for stretching: A low-intensity workout that involves stretching instead of sweating is the perfect way to make sure you're still moving your body without going overboard. Even if you're only watching TV, keep your joints flexible and soothe sore muscles with some of these relaxing yoga poses. If you have a foam roller, don't forget to spend time rolling out your knots as well.
Light cardio: A few minutes of cardio is always good for you. A brisk walk, a short hike, or a leisurely bike ride will energize you without making you feel like to need to go through the whole snack-exercise-shower routine. And since staying sedentary can do more harm than good, opt for something active if you're left wondering what to do on a recovery day.

Original article: from Fitsugar

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


It's hard to resist the Fall-friendly drinks from Starbucks. While steering clear of its pumpkin spice latte is essential for someone trying to cut back on sugar, there are plenty of other delicious drinks that toast the season. Check out which picks are best to skip and which you should have in your next order. 

Instead of
16 oz. White Chocolate Mocha: Espresso with white-chocolate-flavored sauce and steamed milk, topped with sweetened whipped cream: 470 calories
Go For
16 oz. Skinny Vanilla Latte: Rich, full-bodied espresso blended with creamy steamed milk and vanilla syrup: 120 calories
Calories Saved

Instead of
16 oz. Caramel Apple Spice: Steamed, freshly pressed apple juice and cinnamon syrup. Topped with sweetened whipped cream and caramel drizzle: 360 calories
Go For
16 oz. Steamed Apple Juice: Freshly steamed 100-percent pressed apple juice (not from concentrate): 220 calories
Calories Saved
Instead of
16 oz. Pumpkin Spice Latte: Espresso, pumpkin-flavored syrup and steamed milk. Topped with sweetened whipped cream and pumpkin pie spices: 380 calories
Go For
16 oz. Caffé Misto: Brewed coffee and steamed milk topped with ground cinnamon: 110 calories
Calories Saved
Instead of
16 oz. Cinnamon Dolce Latte: Espresso with steamed milk and cinnamon-dolce-flavored syrup. Topped with sweetened whipped cream and cinnamon dolce topping: 330 calories
Go For
16 oz. Nonfat Tazo Chai Tea Latte: Black tea blended with steamed milk and spices like cardamom, cinnamon, and black pepper: 210 calories
Calories Saved

Original article: From Fitsugar 

Sunday, October 28, 2012

R.I.P.P.E.D. Training

R.I.P.P.E.D. Training October 27, 2012
(taken by Group Ex Instructors: Cass, Dave, Kristin and Jenn)

Resistance, Interval, Power, Plyometrics, Endurance, Diet/Nutrition

Check out what a class looks like.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

100 Calories of Your Favorite Fun-Sized Halloween Treats

It's that time of year when the fun-sized candies, from Snickers to Butterfingers, seem to be just about everywhere. And no, you don't need to pass every treat by, but it's good to get a little perspective. To help you get a visual, we've rounded up 100-calorie portions of favorite Halloween candies.

Not seeing your go-to treat? Check What 100 Calories Really Look Like: Halloween Candy for more.

Original article from Fitsugar

Sunday, October 21, 2012



TRX stands for:
Total body  
esistance eXercise

TRX is a full-body strength workout that utilizes a person's own body weight instead of relying on machines or dumbbells. It's been compared to a simple version of Reformer Pilates or anti-gravity yoga. It is whole-body suspension training where you use your core for all 45 minutes of the class. While TRX classes seem to lean heavier on the male side, it's just as female friendly — especially for the work it does on your abs. If you've always wondered what a class is like, here are a few things to keep in mind before giving it a shot.
Individual or group: TRX sessions are available individually or as group classes, either at a gym or in a private training facility. Make sure you ask before jumping into the mix, as some facilities prefer to train beginners together for their first class.
Movement on a plane: For the duration of this class your body will be suspended while moving forward, backward, or side to side. This class is made effective by its repetition of movement to tone the adjoining muscles.
Freedom: The TRX bands give you the freedom of mobility. You are able to move around differently than you would be able to on your own, creating a foundation for core stability. The workout targets all of your muscles groups, but there is a lot of emphasis placed on the core.
Flexibility: Through the class you are constantly stretching between different intervals. Clients who take TRX often report feeling more flexible and gaining an increased range in motion. The breaks in a TRX class are focused on lengthening muscles while also using the straps for actions like opening up chest.
No bulk: Like many women who start strength training, you might be concerned about bulking up. Rest assured you can put those worries aside. Using your own weight with more reps will help you to lengthen your muscles, not expand them.
No shoes, no gloves, no problem: TRX does not require you to bring any equipment or wear additional accessories. You can even do the class barefoot! 

Original article: From Fitsugar