Monday, January 7, 2013


We're at the start of a New Year, and for many, the beginning of those 2013 fit resolutions. By this time, it may not be all rainbows and sunshine like your horoscope promised . . . Whatever you do, don't quit! From the crowded gym to your extremely sore muscles, this too shall pass. As with anything — even the gym — pushing through the beginning is always the hardest part. Before you tell yourself that the old you was just fine, here are three reasons why you should (and can) keep going:
  1. Sore? You're doing something right: Be more concerned if you aren't sore. Being sore is your body's way of adjusting to a new fitness regimen and letting you know that you're working hard. In fact, it is very common to still be sore a few days after your workout; this is called delayed onset muscle soreness, or DOMS, and is completely normal. Know that these aches and pains are just temporary and can easily be relieved. If the pain seems too intense or lasts longer than expected, make an appointment to see a doctor to ensure it's not an injury.
  2. You still aren't seeing results? Breathe, results will come: It's OK — you just started! Patience is key. It often takes some time for your body to adjust to a routine before your transformation takes place. Although it can be hard, with time you will soon break old habits and your resolution will become a lifestyle. Once you get your routine down andstay consistent, you will start to see results.
  3. Intimidated? Push through it with a friend: Starting anything new can be very intimidating. If you're starting to feel overwhelmed by your goals or the gym, take a step back and ask for help. A trainer can answer questions and show you around the gym, while a nutritionist can help you tackle a new diet together. Don't forget to get your friends involved — with a partner anything is easier!

Original article: from Fitsugar

Tuesday, January 1, 2013



When was the last time you refreshed your fitness wardrobe? If you just hesitated, it's probably time for a New Year's cleaning — involving your workout drawer! Before you head to the gym in 2013, take the time to go through your gear: rearranging, revamping, and finding a new purpose for a few of those, ahem, stained white tees. Before you know it, you'll be rocking some of your old favorites and feeling like you just scored at a Lululemon sale — without spending a dime.

Keep these pieces in mind when you go to do a closet cleaning:
  • Running shoes: Although there is nothing like a broken-in pair of kicks, a worn-down pair doesn't offer you the proper cushion or support needed for a long run. If you have a few old pairs around the house, put them to good use by recycling them or donating them to a charitable organization like Goodwill. If your shoes aren't ready to be retired, simply give them a wash, and they'll look like new in no time!
  • Sports bras: Don't forget to consider undergarments, especially sports bras that stretch over time. Consider passing up bras that no longer fit — a truly supportive bra is essential!
  • Tops and bottoms: This is where the cleaning gets serious. Consider everything you wear on a regular basis and the pieces you don't. Those worn-down leggings, holey socks, and sweat-stained tees make excellent rags for cleaning. If you just scored some new pieces over holidays, donate what you don't use to friends, family, or charity. Can't let go of those race shirts? Take your favorites and turn them into a quilt. Remember confidence is key. When you look good and feel good, it will reflect in all aspects of life — even your workouts.
  • Gym bag: Clean out your gym bag, too! Toss those unwanted wrappers and organize those extra hair ties. .

Original article: from Fitsugar