Wednesday, December 12, 2012



We don't want to be too critical; group classes are fun. But when you grow bored of your instructor, it's easy to get distracted. They might be having an off day or running out of motivation themselves, so just make sure their energy isn't affecting you. Here are some quick tips to stay motivated all hour long and ward off the day dreaming. Since you are there to work out, keep your eye on the prize and don't lose that excitement.
 Focus on the music: While your instructor's cues are important for staying on tempo, choose your own breaks to focus on the music for motivation. For instance, if your teacher is counting down the reps or repeating the same cue over and over again, take a break from listening to them and open your ears to the lyrics to pump yourself up.
Look at others: Your instructor should be demonstrating, but if they aren't, look at other strong students in class. Sometimes witnessing someone else's strength will make you step up your game and even correct yourself based on their excellent form. Take note of the advanced women around you and raise your bar a little.
Zone in: When boredom strikes, think about the reason you're there. It helps to concentrate on your trouble areas in class to remind yourself to keep them engaged. There are mirrors everywhere in the studio, so use them to your advantage. Choose one muscle group per class that you want to make a change with and challenge it throughout the entire class.
Set a date: Goals are fun. When you grow bored of your teacher and can't muster the energy to listen anymore, just think about an upcoming event you want to look good at. Having an end goal in mind will help you keep your head in the game and carry your workout to the best of your ability. Stay focused and stay engaged.
If you're truly bored, try a new class! Do you ever come across boring instructors
Share your motivation tips with us!

Original article: from Fitsugar

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